A blog for young adult book lovers

Top 10 Tuesday #2

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January 8th: Top 10 Bookish Goals for 2013

1. Blog more consistently! I want to be able to keep up with my review requests and in general review more books than last year.
2. Finish my 2013 book goal. Last year I was only able to finish 80 out of 100 books and this year I would definitely like to be able to finish all of them.
3. Finish at least half of my To Be Read Pile. A lot of the books that are on my TBR I talked about in the previous Top 10 Tuesday, and like I said then, they have been on my shelf for more than a year so I’d like to finally read them (Reading them also gives me another excuse to go buy more books).
4. Read more books outside of my favorite genres. I realized I read A LOT of books from the YA romance or contemporary fiction genre and I’d like to branch out more to science fiction, action/adventure, dystopian, and historical fiction genres which I REALLY like but just never have time to hunt for really good books.
5. Be more frugal when buying books. Too often I buy way too many books when I don’t need them or when I’m running low on money so I’d like to buy some books this year but more in moderation.
6. Read more classics! I’m going to try to read at least one classic a month (hopefully more) along with whatever other book I’m reading because I received a ton of classics from my mom and they’re just waiting to be picked up and read. Plus it’s always fun to say “oh I’ve already read that” like a snooty reader.
7. Read more new releases. Often I’ll end up buying older books because they’re sometimes cheaper or more available but I would like to read some new releases from 2013.
8. Take advantage of my library more. This sort of goes along with the read more new releases because I do like reading from the library and then buying the book later, plus this will save me a lot of money if I find out that I don’t like a book after all (and I won’t have to wait for a package to be shipped to my house if I order something, I can just go to the library and pick it up and then order the book later).
9. Support local booksellers more, not just the big chains like Barnes and Noble. I often wander to two of my favorite used bookstores but not as much as I like and I often find better deals there so I will probably be going there more and more often.
10. Don’t let reading distract me too much from school work. Last year I had a major problem with reading distracting me from my work so this year I’m going to have to learn to divide up my time more. However, I am entering my second semester of senior year so it’s easy cruising from here on out!

What are your Top 10 Bookish Goals for 2013? Leave a comment or a link to your blog post and I’ll come check it out!
See you soon!


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