A blog for young adult book lovers

Bookplate Special by Lorna Barrett

book cover of 
Bookplate Special 
 (Booktown Mystery, book 3)
Lorna Barrett
Read a synopsis here!
How much it cost me: Free! Paperbackswap!
Retail Price: $7.99
Number of pages: 310
This is the third book in the Booktown Mystery series and I'm still loving the series! SOME parts are a little redundant but there is new twists and turns that I never suspected with characters who have been in the book since the beginning. This is definitely a series you would have to read in order!!
By the way I don't know if I've talked about the covers much on these books but they are so adorable! At first you glance at the cover and think oh that's nice, but once you start reading the book more and more, there are elements of the story that show up on the cover, which I think is awesome!
I'm anxiously awaiting the next one, and I hope something drastic will happen because in this book it was sort of mediocre. I felt it could have been a lot more suspenseful but this specific book in the series fell a little flat for me. Also I felt there were a couple things that didn't get resolved at the end of the book, which I totally forgot about until I was reading the synopsis again. Weird. I don't really want to say much of anything else for fear of spoilers but I would give this book a tentative Paige-Turn. (As always I think the first book in the series was the best!)
See you soon! Only 5 days until Christmas! Have you finished your shopping? I have!
P.S. I'm still plowing through the Gossip Girl series, so once I finish I hope to have an entire series review up by the end of the year!


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